Guidet tour in The Royal Kitchen Garden
Guidet tour in The Royal Kitchen Garden
Guidet tour in The Royal Kitchen Garden
Experiences and attractions

Guidet tour in The Royal Kitchen Garden

Where is the royal household supplied from when the residence is at Graasten Palace? And have you heard of the Gravensteiner (apple)? A general tour in connection with the Harvest Market.

On this general tour, the guide will tell you about the history of the kitchen garden and the new perspectives. You will learn more about the sustainable cultivation of vegetables, herbs, berries and fruit in the kitchen garden, the symmetry of the layout and the site's operating model, which is based on cooperation with Væksthuset and social inclusion.

Language: Danish and German
Duration: approx. 1 hour
Meeting place: In front of the entrance to the Kitchen Garden, in front of the building, Felstedvej 8, 6300 Gråsten.

There is a limited number of tickets on sale