Bicycle guide book Sønderjylland from coast to coast
Experiences and attractions Merchandise

Bicycle guide book Sønderjylland from coast to coast

Sønderjylland from coast to coast consists of three cycling routes - Around Sønderjylland, Eastern Loop and Western Loop.

Go on a 236-kilometre cycle tour through beautiful Sønderjylland with this new cycling guidebook.
There is no better way to experience Sønderjyllands diverse landscape than from a bicycle. The flat and open marsh landscape of the west coast, where you can see further than the eye can see. The east coast's hilly landscape where fjords cut deep into the land and where the forest reaches right to the water.

Sønderjylland from coast to coast guides you through the entire trip with map material that you can cycle according to as well as suggestions for where to spend the night and what to experience along the way.
Remember - the routes are only suggestions. There is always room to take a detour and find your own way through Sønderjylland. Because there are always experiences just around the corner.